September 26, 2024
9:00 am
9:55 am
A non-impact class that uses water resistance to increase muscular and cardiovascular strength. The class may use aqua dumbbells or noodles to increase the intensity of the work. Appropriate for all levels of fitness. For PJCC Center Members; registration required.
- All members registered for Aqua Fitness Monday – Friday at 9 am and Saturday at 8:25 am will need to check in at the Welcome Center to receive a wristband.
- Only members wearing the wristband will be allowed to enter the pool for class.
- If member is on the waitlist, wristbands will be given out if there is room at 9:00 am. These members must be in the pool by 9:10 am to attend the class.
- If a member is late, and it is before 9:10 am, an attendant at the Welcome Center will give the member a wristband ONLY if there is still room in the class.
- 35 is the maximum number of students allowed in an aqua class to maintain safety and effectiveness.