Meet for a lively discussion about topical events. All opinions are welcome, creating a forum for stimulating and thought-provoking conversations led by David Nigel & Jon Levinson. Takes place via […]
Join PJCC and Jewish Family and Children's Services for an informative and accessible class that will teach you more about deepfakes: sophisticated, technology-driven—and often convincing—audio and visual hoaxes. An instructor […]
800 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA, United States
Virtual Event
The PJCC Art Gallery is proud to present Living Under Water: A Jewish Exploration of Change in which five talented artists consider how Jewish teachings inform our relationship and perspective […]
Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Your participation today will matter in future decisions!
The City of Belmont and Belmont Youth for DEI are co-hosting a speaker panel discussing the history and impacts of Islamophobia and Antisemitism, followed by an open discussion. Featured speakers […]
Unlock the full potential of your health apps! In this class offered by AnewVista Community Services, you will gain valuable insights and practical skills to navigate health systems like MyChart […]