Meet for a lively discussion about topical events. All opinions are welcome, creating a forum for stimulating and thought-provoking conversations led by David Nigel & Jon Levinson. Takes place via […]
Join PJCC and Jewish Family and Children's Services for an informative and accessible class that will teach you more about deepfakes: sophisticated, technology-driven—and often convincing—audio and visual hoaxes. An instructor […]
800 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA, United States
Virtual Event
The PJCC Art Gallery is proud to present Living Under Water: A Jewish Exploration of Change in which five talented artists consider how Jewish teachings inform our relationship and perspective on the critical issue of climate change. This panel discussion will feature two of the artists behind this collaborative exhibition, Andi Arnovitz and Lynne Avadenka. […]
Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Your participation today will matter in future decisions!
The City of Belmont and Belmont Youth for DEI are co-hosting a speaker panel discussing the history and impacts of Islamophobia and Antisemitism, followed by an open discussion. Featured speakers are Maha Elgenaidi and Karen Stiller. This event will be held in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Belmont City Hall (1 Twin Pines Lane, […]
Unlock the full potential of your health apps! In this class offered by AnewVista Community Services, you will gain valuable insights and practical skills to navigate health systems like MyChart and MyHealth effectively. Learn how to track your health records, schedule appointments, communicate with your providers, and take control of your health journey with confidence. […]