This 60-minute class is appropriate for all levels including those who desire to use chairs. The class will end with a 15-minute restorative practice. For PJCC Center Members; registration required.
Join this gentle practice of mindfulness and movement. The Chair Yoga class can enhance your ability to quiet your mind at the same time you improve your strength, flexibility and […]
Enjoy a burst of beneficial exercise! For 15 minutes straight, you will concentrate on the core of the body. Think of training your powerhouse, the muscles that keep you standing […]
Vinyasa means "movement linked to breath." Vinyasa flow is a challenging and invigorating practice which develops strength and flexibility. Registration is required.
800 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA, United States
Vinyasa means "movement linked to breath." Vinyasa flow is a challenging and invigorating practice which develops strength and flexibility. Registration is required.
800 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA, United States
Vinyasa means “movement linked to breath.” Vinyasa flow is a challenging and invigorating practice which develops strength and flexibility. For PJCC Center Members; registration required in MyPJCC.
800 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA, United States
Vinyasa means "movement linked to breath." Vinyasa flow is a challenging and invigorating practice which develops strength and flexibility. Registration is required.
800 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA, United States
CyberWell is the first ever open database to monitor online antisemitism across major social media platforms. In this high-level briefing Tal-Or Cohen Montemayor, Founder & CEO and digital platforms expert, […]
PJCC Member Peter Bloom (playing electric guitar) will facilitate a weekly group practice session where players of all levels can learn, improve, jam, and practice playing music with others. Each […]
This total body workout uses weight training techniques to work major muscle groups along with short cardio intervals to give your body a complete workout. For PJCC Center Members; registration […]
Vinyasa means "movement linked to breath." Vinyasa flow is a challenging and invigorating practice which develops strength and flexibility. For PJCC Center Members; registration required.