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The sensational Broadway revival dazzles with celebrated classic songs, including “Don’t Rain On My Parade,” “I’m the Greatest Star,” and “People.” This bittersweet comedy is the story of the indomitable Fanny Brice, a girl from the Lower East Side who dreamed of a life on the stage. Everyone told her she’d never be a star, but then something funny happened—she became one of the most beloved performers in history, shining brighter than the brightest lights of Broadway.
This Senior Excursion is subsidized by the Maimonides Fund of the Jewish Community Federation.
Ages 65+
Includes rear orchestra ticket and roundtrip transportation from PJCC.
Registration for this popular trip is only through Rachel Goldman, rgoldman@pjcc.org or 650-378-2764. Priority registration until Monday, April 8, 2024 will be given to those who have not yet attended a senior day trip since July 2023.
11:30 – meet in PJCC lobby for check-in
4:40 pm – return at PJCC