Yukio Shimomura was born in San Francisco and was in grade school when World War II started. He will be sharing his family’s experience during the 1940’s; how Executive Order 9066 affected his family and many other Japanese who were interned in various incarceration camps in San Bruno, Tanforan racetrack and Topaz, Utah. He will describe what his parents went through with his older brothers and Yukio, the lifestyle in the camp and the significant ironies. How the family left the camp and where they settled. 110,000 people incarcerated, 110,000 stories, but this is a snapshot of one family.
Yukio Shimomura has a Bachelor Degree in Engineering and has held several positions with American and Japanese electronic companies in management coaching and team building. He has given this talk at many universities, religious institutions, libraries, high schools, Rotary Clubs and historical societies.
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