The PJCC convenes and supports joint programming with other San Mateo County synagogues and organizations, to create a cohesive and creative experience for community members to experience a wide variety clergy, leaders, and programs. Yearly events include Rabbis’ Roundtable and Scholar in Residence. In recent years we have added shared ritual experiences such as Shavuot, Slichot, and Tisha b’Av services as a community.
To view recordings of previous North Peninsula Jewish Collaboration programs, visit our YouTube page.
Collaboration Members
The North Peninsula Jewish Collaboration consists of the Peninsula Jewish Community Center, five San Mateo County synagogues, and the Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School.
The PJCC’s mission is to positively impact people’s lives, fostering belonging and meaningful connections with a diverse community, grounded in Jewish values and traditions.
Coastside Jewish Community, providing an inclusive community that supports connection to Jewish life, both cultural and spiritual, on the coast from Pacifica to Pescadero.
Conservative Congregation
1550 Alameda de las Pulgas, Redwood City
Congregation Beth Jacob is a vibrant and welcoming community grounded in Jewish values, practice, and learning. We strive to honor the diversity and individuality of all our members.
Conservative Congregation
499 Boothbay Ave, Foster City
Peninsula Sinai is a vibrant congregation, affiliated with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, where our members are an integral part of our community.
Reform Congregation 1700 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo
We inspire and nourish your spirit by cultivating an energetic, engaged Jewish community enwrapped in Torah, music, worship, belonging, justice, and Israel.
A private Jewish day school serving TK through 8th grade where passionate educators inspire critical thinking, leadership opportunities and the Jewish value of repairing the world.
Shavuot, 2024
Scholar in Residence 2024
The Roundtable, 2023
Crossing the Red Sea in Foster City, Passover 2024
Congregation Beth Jacob
1550 Alameda de las Pulgas, Redwood City, CA, United States
Please save the Sunday, April 27th date for the North Peninsula Jewish Collaboration's annual Yom HaShoah commemoration. Held at Congregation Beth Jacob in Redwood City Watch for details, and contact for information.