
Preschool Programs

About Our Programs

Infants & Toddlers (6 Months and Up)

PJCC Preschool’s program for infants and toddlers offers a secure, engaging environment specifically designed to inspire exploration and growth. Experienced professionals nurture your child, with attention to their unique needs. Adult to child ratio for infants is 1:3; for toddlers, 1:4.

K’ton ton (Little People): Age 2 by September 1

The youngest children in our preschool enjoy a safe, nurturing environment where they explore their introduction to the school environment. Experienced teachers offer a comfortable playscape that helps foster each child’s individual needs of adjustment to the program. Singing songs together, baking cakes in the play kitchen, outdoor exploration and story time are a few of the activities children engage in each day. Adult to child ratio is 1:6.

Children are not required to be toilet trained to attend our programs; toilet learning is incorporated into the classroom as needed.

Keshet (Rainbow): Age 3 by September 1

Our three-year-old classes develop social, emotional, language, and literary skills while building motor and cognitive development through facilitated peer-to-peer engagement. Painting at an easel, exploring dramatic play with colorful costumes, building cities out of wooden blocks, reading books together, and enjoying music are just some of the ways we learn and explore the world around us in this class. Adult to child ratio 1:7.

Children are not required to be toilet trained to attend our programs; toilet learning is incorporated into the classroom as needed.

Kee Tov (Something Good): Age 4 by September 1

Our Kee Tov program prepares children for a successful transition to an academic program and supports their developing social and emotional skills. Children gain confidence and competency in navigating social situations and develop independence that sets them up for success in Kindergarten. This program enjoys bi-monthly swimming lessons to further support gross motor development. Adult to child ratio 1:8.

Children are not required to be toilet trained to attend our programs; toilet learning is incorporated into the classroom as needed.

PJCC Preschool Philosophy

Our unique emergent curriculum is grounded in the values and traditions of Jewish scholarship that elevate inquiry (Drash), friendship (Hevruta), and ethical values (Tzedakah). Here, young children are supported with love and respect while they are immersed in a variety of rich experiences designed to facilitate deeper understanding through the children’s own interests and exploration.

We Believe…

  • A lifetime of successful learning rests on a sense of wonder, curiosity, and confident inquiry that begins in early childhood.
  • Young children are natural learners who thrive when they are immersed in a range of experiences, supported with love and respect, and encouraged to play and experiment in a safe environment.
  • The values and social abilities developed in early childhood inform each person’s relationship with the world throughout their life.
  • Great teachers are also great learners. We observe children at play, ask questions to clarify the child’s learning process, and work with the child to adapt the environment to facilitate further discovery.
  • Parents and educators are partners in supporting children’s dynamic learning.

Our Core Values

Drash: Inquiry and exploration foster learning, understanding, and confidence.

A lifetime of successful learning rests on a sense of wonder, curiosity, and confident inquiry. The PJCC Preschool’s emergent curriculum is centered in the Jewish tradition of asking questions as the path to discovery, and our child-centered approach is based in the Jewish value of “chanoch et hana’ar al pi darco – educate each child according to their way.” Our teachers create rich experiences within the classroom environment, using these spaces as the third teacher, and our unique campus experiences encourage each child’s natural and immersive exploration of a wide range of materials, activities, and concepts. Teachers observe the children at play and ask open-ended questions to clarify each child’s learning process. Guided by the children’s own interests and inquiry, teachers adapt and construct the curriculum to facilitate deeper understanding and growth.

Hevruta: Wisdom grows through friendship.

Science has shown that healthy brain development in early childhood is fully dependent on loving relationships. And Jewish wisdom has long advised that knowledge is heightened when we learn with friends. At the PJCC Preschool, we understand that social abilities developed in early childhood form the foundation for each person’s success and happiness throughout their life. We prioritize friendship, respect, and connection between children, their families, and our staff to create a strong, supportive PJCC Preschool community. We know that committed partnership and clear communication between educators, children, and their families is vital to support the needs of each child.

Tzedakah: A just society starts in childhood.

The PJCC Preschool has a higher purpose. Our curriculum is rooted in vital human values—understood through a Jewish lens—that guide us to make the world a better place. We understand that the values learned in childhood inform our decisions and how we engage with the world throughout our lives. Everything we do at the PJCC Preschool, and all our learning grows from a set of Jewish values, including Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World), Kavod (Respect), Hachnasat Orchim (Welcoming All), Shalom (Peace), and others. For young children, these values are learned best through hands-on experiences and self-reflection. Teachers help the children to understand their ability to positively impact their friends, families, community, and the natural world. At the PJCC, children learn to respect themselves and each other for who they are, and we encourage them to express their beliefs and to share their own families’ traditions. Our hope is that each of our children will help create a better world for all of us.

Hours of Operation

For Specific Schedules, Please See Schedules Submenu

Center Hours
  • Mon - Thur 5 am - 9 pm (Group Ex by Reservation)
  • Fri 5 am - 6 pm (Group Ex by Reservation)
  • Sat & Sun 7 am - 6 pm (Group Ex by Reservation)
Admin Office Hours
  • Mon-Fri 8 am – 4 pm
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