Pool Hours
(Pools Close 30 Minutes Before Center Closes)
Monday-Thursday: 5:00 am – 8:30 pm
Friday: 5:00 am – 6:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 7:00 am – 5:30 pm
Please see the schedules below for specific Lap Swim and Open Swim hours in the Indoor and Outdoor Pools.
PJCC Indoor Pool Schedule January 2025
PJCC Outdoor Pool Schedule January 2025
Swim is designed to provide a safe, fun environment for members and their guests to enjoy the pool together.
- Children 6 years and younger, or any child not able to fully swim on their own, must be accompanied in the water at all times by an adult or member over 16 years old.
- Children 7 – 12 may swim by themselves, but a parent MUST be in the facility. Lifeguards may use discretion in the enforcement of this rule. The parent may be asked to remain with a child who is a poor swimmer no matter what their age.
- No diving. Both pools are too shallow to dive safely.
- No rough housing or horse play.
- Bathing suits are required. Please no bathing suits with built-in floatation. These suits give a false sense of security while in the water. No street clothes, cut-offs or regular diapers allowed.
- Children 3 & under or children not fully potty-trained must wear nylon swim diapers. These diapers are reusable and washable and may be found in most stores or purchased at the BAC desk. Huggies disposable swim diapers have a tendency to leak and are not permitted.
- Some toys, flotation devices and equipment may be allowed during open swim. This rule is up to the discretion of the lifeguard based on the number of participants in the pool.
- Due to health and safety concerns please do not bring in any toys from home.
- Swim lesson teaching equipment use is not permitted during open swim times.
- Kickboards may be used during open swim but no sitting on, or standing on, kickboards.
- The whirlpool in the indoor pool area is open. For safety and health reasons, use is limited to individuals 14 years old and up.
For Lap Swim, please follow Lap Swim Etiquette.