​PJCC – Wellness Resources

Wellness Resources

Wellness Your Way™at the PJCC

Welcome to the PJCC’s Wellness Your Way™, an integrated approach to help youth and adults of all ages experience greater well-being. Wellness Your Way™ helps you identify your own, unique personal wellness formula and create a plan to put that formula to work in your life.

When we say “wellness formula”, we mean the activities you do on a regular basis that contribute positively to: your health, emotional resilience, energy to be active, ability to heal and to prevent injury and disease, joy, nurturing relationships, cultural and spiritual fulfillment.

Your personal wellness formula serves your whole life, and it is unique to you. Your formula includes Nourish, Move and Engage activities that are the building blocks of a life well-lived.

For example, your formula for living your best life may include aqua exercise, mindfulness meditation, bridge games with your friends, art appreciation, yoga, and a plant-based diet.

Or you may thrive on personal training, TRX, Family Gym on Sunday with your kids, and Jewish holiday celebrations shared with PJCC friends and family.

Whatever your personal wellness formula, we’ve got the right mix for a balance of body, mind, and spirit.

Elements of Wellness


Nourish your body and mind with wholesome foods and modes of movement that promote: healing; disease prevention; physical strength; energy; improved sleep, concentration and cognition; and stress relief.


Move your body for greater: physical strength; flexibility; stamina and cardiovascular capacity; disease prevention; physical balance; energy; emotional resilience; improved sleep, concentration, and cognition; healing; and stress relief.


Engage your mind and spirit for greater: happiness; satisfaction; fulfillment; cultural, intellectual, and spiritual understanding; healing; stress relief; emotional resilience; community connection; and meaningful relationships.

What Is Your Personal Wellness Formula?

Your Wellness Formula is your own combination of activities that let you experience an over-all feeling of well being.

Your Personal Wellness Formula

What does wellness mean for you?  What activities help you experience an overall feeling of well being?

Your formula for living your best life may include:

Lap swimming, Zumba, mindfulness meditation, world jazz music, a plant-based diet, preparing new recipes with your partner on Wednesday nights.

Or you may thrive on:

TRX, Pilates reformer, long runs on Saturday near your home, book & wine club, fun outdoor activities with your kids on Sunday, produce from the farmers market and avoiding red meat and pork, spy novels, Jewish holiday celebrations shared with family.

Spend a few minutes and really think about Wellness Your Way™.  What’s working for you that deserves to be celebrated? What is ready for a tune up?


  • What foods nourish you? How often do you eat them?
  • What’s the overall quality of the food you eat?
  • Are you happy with your relationship with food?
  • What might you like to change or heal?
  • What is one Nourish commitment you can make today and stick with for the next 10 days?


  • How much moving are you doing weekly?
  • What activities make you feel euphoric?
  • What activities are physically effective but numb your spirit and sedate your mind?
  • What have you wanted to do/try and haven’t found the time/opportunity?
  • What is one Move commitment you can make today and stick with for the next 10 days?


  • Are you fulfilled by the state of your relationships?
  • Do you make life-long learning a priority?
  • Do you have a spiritual practice? Does it nurture your life?
  • Do you feel connected to your culture(s)/and the culture(s) of your family?
  • Does art, music, literature, theater, dance receive attention in your life?
  • Do you take time to focus on deep questions and test what is true for you?
  • What is one Engage commitment you can make today and stick with for the next 10 days?

Choose one person you trust as your accountability partner – share with that person your one or more commitments for the next 10 days.

What are the consequences if you keep your commitment(s) to yourself?

What are the consequences if you betray those commitment(s)?

How can your accountability partner help you be successful? (please make this meaningful – don’t phone it in!)

Hours of Operation

For Specific Schedules, Please See Schedules Submenu

Center Hours
  • Mon - Thur 5 am - 9 pm (Group Ex by Reservation)
  • Fri 5 am - 6 pm (Group Ex by Reservation)
  • Sat & Sun 7 am - 6 pm (Group Ex by Reservation)
Admin Office Hours
  • Mon-Fri 8 am – 4 pm
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Yoga students stretching on mats at the PJCC yoga studio
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