Look for the following icons, which indicate where the program takes place:
Ⓥ Virtual Program
Ⓟ In Person at the PJCC
California Mahjong Ⓟ
Tuesdays, February 27 – April 2 • 1:00 – 3:00 pm • $120
Thursdays, February 29 – April 4 • 10:30 pm – 12:30 pm • $120
What is the difference between California Mahjong and American Mah Jongg? Hint: It’s not just the spelling! Come join our own Shelley Williamson from the Welcome Center as she teaches California Mahjong, an adapted form of the British, Hong Kong, and Shanghai game. No card is needed. As Shelley says, “it’s a bit like Gin Rummy meets Yahtzee with a nice mix of skill and luck!” A great game to challenge your brain while building friendships. Registration required; sign up here.
Guided Mindfulness Meditation Ⓥ
Mondays • 9:30 am
Join us for meditation practice led by respected scholar and mindfulness mentor Rabbi Lavey Derby.
Meditation is an invitation to cultivate awareness of the present moment without judgment. We approach each moment with courage, curiosity, and compassion, creating space for whatever arises. As we practice, we learn to let go of the struggle with what is, to embrace ourselves and others in compassion, and to rest in the Mystery.
Registration required; email Rabbi Lavey Derby to sign up. Takes place via Zoom.
Let’s Talk About It: Virtual Discussion Group Ⓥ
Mondays · 3:30-4:30 pm
Meet for a lively discussion about topical events. All opinions are welcome, creating a forum for stimulating and thought-provoking conversations led by David Nigel & Jon Levinson. Takes place via Zoom. Please register using this link.
Yiddish Club Ⓥ
Tuesdays • 11:00 am • Zoom
Increase your Yiddish vocabulary, learn about Yiddish culture, and make sure the mamaloshen lives! Yiddish speakers of all levels are welcome; fluency not required. Peer led.
If you are interested in joining the virtual group, please contact Kimberly Gordon (kgordon@pjcc.org) to get the Zoom link.
Life, It’s Complicated Ⓟ Ⓥ
Thursdays • 10:15 am
Life, It’s Complicated is an ongoing community of learning in which each week we explore and discuss ideas, beliefs, and practices found in Jewish wisdom, as well as Jewish perspectives on contemporary issues and personal experience. A different topic is discussed each week, often at the suggestion of participants. These weekly conversations are highly interactive as we all learn with and from each other.
Life, It’s Complicated is free and open to anyone who wishes to participate. The group meets both in person at the PJCC as well as on Zoom. You are welcome anytime; weekly participation not required.
Attend in person or via Zoom. Registration required; email Rabbi Lavey Derby to sign up.
Drop-in Mah Jongg Ⓟ
Thursdays • 12:30 – 3:00 pm • Members Free / $4 Public
Come play Mah Jongg with your friends at the PJCC! Sessions are available for Beginning & Intermediate players and Advanced players. No instructor will be present. Bring your current Mah Jongg card and set.
Drop-in Bunco Ⓟ
Second and Fourth Fridays • 1:30 – 3:00 pm
Join us on the second and fourth Fridays of the month for a social afternoon playing Bunco, a fun, dice-rolling game of chance. Beginners welcome.
PJCC Rock Music Players Ⓟ
Wednesdays, 7:00 – 9:00 pm • Classroom D
PJCC Member Peter Bloom will facilitate a weekly group practice session where players of all levels can learn, improve, jam, and practice playing music with others. Each week will focus on a new classic or modern rock song. All instruments welcome and all musicians ages 16 and up are welcome to join in the jam!.
Contact Peter to join at peter@launchcodelabs.com