Ways to Support Israel • Resources for Learning • Resources for Parents & Families • Resources for Support & Reflection
PJCC supports Israel and encourages conversations across differences, within the basic framework that Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish and democratic state. We believe in fostering understanding and dialogue within the community and offer speakers and opportunities to learn more about Israel’s history and current events. Supporting the Israeli community on the North Peninsula by providing a comfortable space to gather, speak their native language and connect socially is an important focus as well.
Consulate General of Israel in San Francisco
American Friends of Magen David Adom
American Friends of Magen David Adom, the primary organization on the front lines of emergency response, with 33,000 volunteer and staff paramedics, EMTs, first responders, and first-aid providers.
American Friends of The Israel Association of Community Centers
American Friends of The Israel Association of Community Centers, known in Hebrew by their acronym Matnasim, supports a network of local community centers—our sister organizations across Israel. They are coordinating efforts to collect and distribute supplies for thousands of Israelis who have been displaced, including basic hygiene supplies, clothing, and other necessities.
United Hatzalah
United Hatzalah provides free emergency medical service throughout Israel. Their humanitarian services are universal and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with an average response time of three minutes or less. Learn more and donate here.
IsraAID Emergency Fund
The IsraAID Emergency Fund will provide psychosocial support, stress relief activities, and relief supplies for victims of the attacks in the south of Israel. Donate here.
Assuta Hospital Donations
The hospital, located near the Gaza border, needs urgent financial help for medical emergency equipment. Website: www.AssutaAshdodFriends.org.
The nonprofit’s hospitals in Jerusalem have been treating victims of attacks and accepting donations for a crisis fund. Learn more at hadassah.org.
Friends of the IDF
Friends of the IDF is the organization officially tasked with accepting donations on behalf of the IDF, the Israeli police and other security services. Critical needs include temporary field hospitals, intensive care ambulances, hygiene kits, plasma kits, as well as equipment for soldiers and units on the front lines.
Support Israeli-Palestinian Peace Efforts
The “Sulha Peace Project” aims to facilitate encounters between Palestinians and Israelis to help heal the wounds of conflict.
Inside The Middle East, Bringing Clarity Amidst Chaos,
founded by Avi Melamed. Apolitical, non-partisan geopolitical analysis in Arabic, English & Hebrew.
Personal Self-Assessment of Anti-Bias Behavior
Reflect on your anti-bias behavior with an assessment provided by the Anti-Defamation League. Download the worksheet here.
The Foundation to Combat Antisemitism
The Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS) has launched a national campaign to mobilize all Americans to #StandUpToJewishHate. For resources, and to learn more, visit FCAS’ website.
The Jewish Studies program at UC Berkeley
offers Antisemitism in Our Midst: Past and Present, a video that charts the history of antisemitism from its origins until today.
Hillel International
provides a three-part video series on antisemitism, with segments on “What is Judaism? Who are Jews?,” “History of Antisemitism,” and “Antisemitism Today.”
The Lookstein Center at Bar-Ilan University
has also created a resource page that lists activities, discussion questions, ways to take action, and more.
Resources for navigating the events with children, provided by PJ Library:
JFCS’ Center for Children and Youth offers guidance on how to talk to children of all ages about antisemitism, violence, and other difficult topics.
Resources from the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland:
Kveller provides simple conversation starters for kids of different ages.
Unpacked for Educators: Videos to help grow your confidence as the adult speaking about Israel.
How to Talk to Kids About Violence, Crime, and War: Common Sense Media Guide
Helping Children Cope with Terrorism: An article from the National Association of School Psychologists
The Institute for Curriculum Services offers a wide selection of resources in their document Support for Classroom Discussion on the Hamas-Israel War.
JCRC Bay Area offers a Guide to Recognizing Problematic Rhetoric.
Free Mental Health Support
BetterHelp is providing 6 months of therapy at no cost for individuals who have been impacted by the war in Israel. The support is provided by a licensed therapist over video, phone, or text. Learn more and sign up here.
Taking time to care for ourselves mentally and physically enables us to be focused, present, and peaceful. Jewish Family and Children’s Services offers trauma-informed counseling and support for anyone who is struggling. If you or someone you care about needs assistance, please call JFCS’ Bay Area Critical Helpline at 415-449-3700.
Prayer and Light a Candle for Peace
Download the Mothers’ Prayer for Peace, composed by Jewish and Muslim mothers and spiritual leaders, to offer a moment of quiet prayer for peace. Download: Mothers’ Prayer for Peace – in English, Hebrew, and Arabic.